
The Approach of Educational Equality_ Instructional Technology and Educational Policy
The Approach of Educational Equality: Instructional Technology and Educational Policy
Team 19
Team Overview
Research Background
Research Problem Statement and Obejective
Significance of Study
Literture Review
Research Methodology
SDG-Quality Education-刘
During the epidemic prevention and control period, the use of the Internet in online education has made the problem of education equity of regional development imbalance and wealth gap more prominent.
Research Background-高
SDG 4 aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education
The current situation of instructional technology used in education
The influence of education policy in equal education
The gaps from previous studies.
Research Problem Statement and Obejective
Since educational technology has been greatly improved and massively promoted to users around the world, its contribution to global educational equity to some extend has been proved by considerable literature from various perspectives (Yazar &Karabekir,2019; Alanazy&Alrusaiyes, 2021; Pedroet al., 2021; Garzon, 2021, etc.). Meanwhile, on a par with thegrowing attention for educationalequity from the authorities, a great number of policies, particularly in many developed countries, have been implemented to eliminate educational inequality (Kopnina, 2018; Cottafava et al., 2022). However, in developing countries, where this unfairness is more serious, the relevant research is still limited both in numbers and scopes (Wen, et al., 2016;这里差尼日利亚的文献).
In this regard, we would like to take China and Nigeria as two cases to provide suggested solutions on educational inequality in developing countries. To be more specific, we mean to study their adoption of instructional technologies and current educational policies by mixed research methods:
QR1: What instructional technologies have been used in China and Nigeria to promote educational equality?
QR2: What are the functions of these technologies in promoting educational equality in these two countries?
QR3: How these technologies affect educational equality in these two countries?
RQ4: What are the targeted policies in these two countries?
RQ5: How these policies promote educational equity in these two countries?
Research Problem Statement and Obejective
Significance of the Study
First of all, this study explores ways to improve educational equity, which can provide strategies for
establishing a comfortable and harmonious society, for educational equity is an important value
orientation in a harmonious society.
Secondly, the number of the research of educational equity from the approaches of educational
technology and educational policy is relatively few. Therefore, it is essential to study educational
equity from a different view, which can provide strong evidence for educational equity.
Thirdly, this study utilizes a mixed research method, a qualitative and quantitative method, which is
new to the previous studies that only used a quantitative one. This offers a new way of thinking for
research of educational equity.
Fourthly, the outcomes of the research can provide some insights into those which study educational
equity in China and other countries.
Lastly, this study is also beneficial for education policy-makers at home and abroad, who can make
better and more effective education policies for students in the following years.
Summary of Literature Review-刘
Instructional Technology-老师、学生和教育机构
What is instructional technology.
Instructional technology is the practice of using technology in education. It also encompasses developing, designing, and evaluating the tools used in learning activities. Instructional technology is the result of the rapid development in general technology.
Why it promote educational equality.
1.Sharing of educational resources.
2.Compensate for the lack of teachers' capacity.
3.Develop students' information literacy.
How it promote educational equality.
1.Realize multimedia teaching content.(实现教学内容的多媒体化)
2.Diversification of pedagogical communication(教学传播的多样化)
3.Sharing of teaching resources(教学资源的共享化)
4.Diversification of teaching forms(教学形态的多样化)
5.The expansion of teaching time and space(教学时空的扩大化)
Educational Policy-
What are the Education Equality Policies in China and Nigeria.
How Education Policy promotes Educational Equity.
Instructional Technology-What is instructional technology?
AECT (1994) defined and described this field as: Instructional Technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning.
Reiser and Dempsey (2002) in their book, Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology definition: The field encompasses: Analysis of learning and performance problems, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation, Management of instructional processes and resources, Intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of settings, particularly educational institutions and the workplace (training).
Instructional Technology-Why it promote educational equality ?
Educational equity is an important factor affecting social harmony and stability, and it is a problem that needs to be paid attention to in any era. There are many ways to promote equality in education, and educational technology is one of them.
Instructional technology improve the education in different aspects. It make the education more effective and efficient.
Instructional technology promotes the coupling of educational equity and its limitations.
Instructional technology improve the education in different aspects. It make the education more effective and efficient.
Alanazy and Alrusaiyes (2021) found that technology is incorporated effectively, and it will be successful personally and publicly,and explain the confusing concepts in an easy way for students. Therefore, the use of technology can improve the teaching methodologies and learning. Appropriate understanding of technology and the way to increase student learning and engagement develops even more critical to teacher education programs.
Pedro, Subosa, Rivas and Valverde (2021) collected examples of Artificial Intelligence (AI), adoption in education around the world, particularly in developing countries, and discussed them as part of Mobile Learning Week 2019 and beyond as part of the many ways to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4, which seeks equitable and quality education for all. Garzon (2021) states that Augmented Reality (AR) technology has been positively implemented to improve educational situations providing learning gains, motivation, enjoyment, autonomy, among other benefits and provides an overview of AR technology in education from its origins to the present. Garzon explains that AI can be used to improve learning outcomes and presents examples of how AI technology can help education systems use data to improve educational equity and quality in developing countries. He also addresses the challenges and policy implications that should be part of global and local conversations about the opportunities and risks of introducing AI into education and preparing students for an AI-enabled context.
Instructional technology promotes the coupling of educational equity
Linda (2022) believes that many multinational corporations and inter-governmental organizations promote educational technology as a tool to equalize educational opportunities and effects in the post-COVID-19 era. The participants and application scope of educational technology are constantly expanding, which also makes the further development of educational technology and provides technical soil for promoting educational equity.

In addition, Xu Yute (2022) also believes that educational technology will promote the development of educational equity by shaping the internal and external fair soil of education.
Limitations of educational technology in promoting educational equity.
Jin Jiuren (2022) believes that educational technology, as an instrumental means, cannot fundamentally reverse the inequity in educational opportunities, educational processes and educational conditions by itself, so as to create an equitable outcome for everyone. Moreover, the application of educational technology is also restricted by the environment, which may eventually lead to the unfair application of educational technology.
Instructional Technology-How it promote educational equality ?
Educational equity is an important factor affecting social harmony and stability, and it is a problem that needs to be paid attention to in any era. There are many ways to promote equality in education, and educational technology is one of them.

VR and AR.
It is believed that MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) hold great promise for promoting universal access, social inclusion and lifelong learning by bringing about an expansion of higher education opportunities, breaking through the limitations of the lack of physical colleges and universities. Li Xiaoming (2014: 15) describes MOOCs as “the lecturer is responsible for the teaching process, which supports large-scale participation through the Internet, and is intertwined with short videos, homework exercises, forum activities, announcement emails, tests and examinations”. Unlike conventional higher education, MOOCs are usually free or affordable, which means the fairness in accessing quality education resources for everyone (Pappano, 2012).
2015, China’s Ministry of Education issued the related policy, which put forward the general requirements, key tasks and organizational management measures for the construction of large-scale online open courses in this country. Since 2016, the construction and application of MOOC in China have developed rapidly, and the MOOC platform of "Excellent Course Online" has been launched. The Ministry of Education identified the first batch of 801 national excellent online open courses, which further promoted the construction and application sharing of MOOC and promoted the deep integration of information technology and education and teaching. Also in the same year, China joined the "massive open online course Project Working Group of Asia-Europe Ministers Meeting" (Lin, 2017). In 2018, the Ministry of Education issued 490 high qualified MOOCs, and the "Online Open Course Construction and Application Promotion Conference" guided by the Higher Education Department of the Ministry of Education was held in Beijing, which accelerated the teaching reform process of deep integration of information technology and education and teaching. Then the second batch of 801 excellent MOOCs is lauched by the Ministry of Education (2019). Following this path, many provinces or provincial municipalities have issued MOOC construction, application and management documents in their own regions (Shandong Province, 2017&2022; Fujian Province, 2016; Zhejiang Province, 2022; Chongqing City, 2020; etc.) . To summarize, China's MOOC ranks top-tier in the world in terms of the number of online courses and the scale of its application in colleges and universities, and has unique advantages in serving the pedagogical reform of schools in various modes, and has made remarkable achievements on eliminating educational inequality in national scale. With the continuous promotion from governmental actions, the development of online open courses in China will keep maintaining its leading edge.
VR and AR
Virtual reality is a computer simulation system that allows the creation and experience of a virtual world, using a computer to generate a simulated environment in which the user is immersed (Bazavan, e.t 2021).
Augmented reality is a hybrid form of visualisation that combines reality with a virtual world (Choi, 2016).
The PixEL3D (Immersive project and 3D virtual course experimentation) project at the University of Orléans, France, is the implementation of a one-step web documentary aimed at a virtual reality demonstration of the Institut des Techniques de Chartres (IUT de Chartres, FR), which was presented to the public during a university open day event using VR headsets for smartphones. The feedback from visitors led to optimistic results. Younger users are already familiar with using high-end technologies such as QR code scanning or virtual realisation headsets, and they were pleased to see that this digital technology coincided with the higher education syllabus. There was a general acceptance of the use of innovative digital technologies like virtual reality in higher education. The message conveyed through the public response2 is one of encouragement and suggests that in the short and medium term these technologies will be used more frequently for educational purposes in higher education (Michel, 2020).
Educational Policy
There are many reasons for educational inequity, one of which is the unreasonable implementation of educational policies. Educational equity is the basis of social equity, and its unfairness will affect social instability and the quality of development. Promoting educational equity through policies is an effective strategy widely adopted in many countries today.
Educational Policy-What are the Education Equality Policies in China and Nigeria.
It is argued that education informatization can facilitate adequate allocation of educational resources, enhance access to high-quality educational resources to narrow digital divide between regions or urban and rural areas, and promote equity in education.
Promoting equity in education is a basic education policy in China and education informatization is perceived as an important measure to achieve this goal. Chu Hongqi (2020) believe that China’s educational equity needs to be upgraded to become high-quality educational equity. The new function calls for the consummation of the domain of research questions for educational equity by taking the equity in educational outcomes, the equity in educational differences,and the equity in preschool education as the new key points to promote educational equity, taking the equity in gifted education and international education as new growth points,and strengthening the research into the factors affecting educational equity. Song Xueqin (2020) believes“Strive for better and fairer education for the people”, it is the CPC that launched education construction in the new era follow at all. Wu Yumei, Wu Shiliang (2020) believe that breaking the dual division of urban and rural education, narrowing the gap between urban and rural education, realizing educational equity, and improving the overall quality of the Chinese nation are effective ways and methods to achieve a strong cultural country.
Educational Policy-What are the Education Equality Policies in China and Nigeria.

Since the election of President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2015, the new government has recognized that the Nigerian education system must prepare citizens to effectively contribute their potential to national development in order to take competitive advantage in the 21st century knowledge economy. In this context, the Strategic Plan for Education for Change: The Ministry of Education (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), organized by the Nigerian Federal Minister of Education of Nigeria, was officially released on 7 August 2020.
The plan builds on ten key issues in three areas of achievement: enrollment, quality, and strengthening of the education system. Enrollment includes three key issues: out-of-school children, adolescent and adult literacy, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and technology, vocational education, and training (TVET). Quality includes four key issues: basic education, teacher education, capacity building and professional development, curriculum and policy issues, and higher education. Strengthening the education system includes three key issues: educational data and planning, educational information and communication technology, and educational library. The plan provides clear provisions and explanations on the strategic objectives of each key issue, the interventions and activities needed to achieve them, and their undertaking institutions and departments, and the budget allocation for each year.
1.In addressing the issue of student enrollment, the Federal Department of Education plans to ensure that children out of school can enter basic education schools by conducting a national survey of children out of school, establishing neighborhood schools, and recruiting and training a certain number of female basic education teachers。
2.In terms of improving the quality of education, the Federal Department of Education plans to provide all school-age children ununimpeded access to quality basic education by expanding the scope of the Universal Basic Education Act, improving the quality of teachers in basic education schools, and addressing the gap in teacher supply.
3.In terms of strengthening the education system, the Federal Department of Education plans to provide reliable, credible and timely education data and conduct evidence-based education planning through measures such as building the education management information system infrastructure at all levels of government and conducting the annual school population census in 36 states and the federal capital district.
Educational Policy-What are the Education Equality Policies in China and Nigeria.
Nigeria has almost the same educational system and policy as Britain because it is modelled on the British system. In Nigeria, education is built up into three steps which are; primary, secondary and tertiary education. Children start school at the age of 6 which is (grade 1) and it is commonly call the primary level and after the primary level, the child continue to secondary level where the child is going to spent 6 years of schooling which consist of 3 years of Junior Secondary schooling as well and after all those years of schooling, the child will come out with a Certificate which is call the Basic Education Certificate Examination which will permit the child to go to the next level of his education which is another 3 additional years of senior secondary school at age 15 to 18. Education at these levels is 100% free and compulsory for both gender. (Journal of Development Edonomics. 2019).
Educational Policy-How education policy promotes educational equity
According to Sustainable Development Goals in Nigeria (2021), all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and Goal 4 effective learning outcomes. Ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and preprimary education so that they are ready for primary education. Ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university. Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship. Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, inding persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. Ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women achieve literacy and numeracy. Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equaity, promotion of a culture of peace and nonviolence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture`s contribution to sustainable development.
Educational Policy-How educational policy promotes educational equity
Policies should be based on clear and widely understood definitions of what the equity mean;
Strategies should be informed by evidence regarding the impact of current practices onthe presence, participation and achievement of all students;
There should be an emphasis on whole-school approaches in which teachers are supported indeveloping inclusive practices;
Education departments must provide leadership in the promotion of equity asprinciple that guide the work of teachers in all schools; and
Policies should draw on the experience and expertise of everybody who has an involvement in the lives of children, including the children themselves
Double Reduction Policy
Wei Jizong, Wu Xuan and Han Wei (2022) hold that the promulgation of the “double reduction” policy in China promotes the return of the original purpose of education, improves the quality of school education, and makes the compulsory education more equal. Education equity is the cornerstone of social equity. To implement the goal of equity under the “double reduction” policy, we have to promote it in a coordinated manner from the society, schools, families, etc., so as to provide relatively equal education for different groups of students, and to promote students' growth and comprehensive development.
Educational policy
Furthermore, Liu Yangxi, Qian Mengting and Wu Nanzhong(2022) point out that the United States has made every effort to promote educational informatization in the states Since 1980s, taking information technology to promote the equality of basic education as an important part in its policy release and implementation. Since then, the concept of educational equity has become increasingly prominent, and the quality of school education has been continuously improved. Learning from the experience of the United States, China should further optimize the layout and use information technology to promote the balanced development of basic education, focus on demand, adhere to the problem-solving orientation, so as to build a fairer and higher quality basic education.
Limitations of functions of educational policies
Lan Huijun, Cui Zhiyu and Ni Juan (2022) argues that though educational policies are effective there are still some practical problems in the implementation of vocational education policies in China such as the effect gap between policy goals and implementation results, the action gap between different policy executors and the attainment gap between different policy targeted groups. Wang Jun (2022) argues that although “double reduction” is an effective measure to comprehensively promote the equity of basic education, there are still problems in the reform of the basic education such as difficulties in guaranteeing after-school services, coordinating cooperation between home and school, and the unequal distribution of educational resources.
Research Methodology
This research adopts the mixed method of qualitative research and quantitative research.
This method is chosen because this study contains questions of different natures, and different ways can be used to answer different aspects of the general question, and finally complete the task of answering the general question together.This research has five aspects around the research objectives and we adopt three research methods.
QR1: What instructional technologies have been used in China and Nigeria to promote educational equality?
QR2: What are the targeted policies in these two countries?

Research method 1
According to this goal, the researchers decided to adopt the method of content analysis in quantitative research to systematically and quantitatively analyze the official documents, news reports and LMS data related to instructional technologies of the two countries, and to describe the content of instructional technologies and educational policies in general.
QR3: What are the functions of these technologies in promoting educational equality in these two countries?
Research method 2
According to this goal, the researchers decided to adopt the questionnaire method in quantitative research to investigate the relevant personnel (educational technology providers, teachers, students, parents and government workers) in the two countries, and describe the public's evaluation tendency towards educational technology and educational policies in general.
QR4: How these technologies affect educational equality in these two countries?RQ5: How these policies promote educational equity in these two countries?
Research method 3
According to this goal, the researcher decided to select several typical cases (such as MOOCs &VR and AR and one or two policies) on the basis of quantitative analysis to carry out qualitative analysis from the aspects of education mode, implementation process and education effect, namely, through semi-structured interview.,interpreting the specific "texts" that the public describes educational technology and educational policy. The interpretation reveals the concrete ways, methods, logic and means of educational technology and educational policy to promote educational equity.
This paper discusses two ways to promote educational equity: the improvement of educational technology and the improvement of educational policy. This is the innovation point of the article. In the process of research, the research method combining qualitative and quantitative is adopted to provide theoretical basis and strong evidence for the research of educational equity. Through the analysis of the current situation of educational equity in Nigeria and China, this paper summarizes the similar research problems and explores the feasible scheme, which has practical reference significance. However, in terms of the future development and policy implementation path of educational technology, whether it can adapt to the growing material and spiritual needs of the people, which is a long-term and continuous research topic.
1. Lan Huijun, Cui Zhiyu & Ni Juan. (2022). Practical Problems, Cause Analysis and Suggestions on Policy Implementation of Vocational Education in China. Adult Education. 42(7):71-79.
2. Liu Yangxi, Qian Mengting & Wu Nanzhong. (2022). How does American Education Informatization Promote the Equity of Basic Education: Policy, Practice and Enlightenment. Primary & Secondary Schooling Abroad, (5):66-83.
3. Wang Jun. (2022). Analysis on the problems and strategies of basic education reform under the background of “double reduction” policy. Journal of Yuzhang Normal University. 37(4):121-124.
4. Wei Jizong, Wu Xuan &Han Wei. (2022). Exploration of Values and Paths of “Double Reduction” Policy on Promoting the Equity of Compulsory Education. Journal of Chengdu Normal University, 38(4),9-14.
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